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Terms for using the BullionVault API

The XML interface is supplied as is, with no warranty or support. BullionVault itself uses the interface, and for this reason has a vested interest in its accuracy and stability. However, BullionVault makes no guarantees of the stability of the interface or the accuracy of the information it provides.

By using the XML API you accept all risks involved, including, but not limited to financial loss for any reason.

If you develop an application or interface intended for third parties then:-

  • (i) If you use the words BullionVault or BV in the name of the application then this must be preceded by the word Unofficial.
  • (ii) The application description must include the text “This app is not endorsed or in any way connected with BullionVault”.
  • (iii) The login page must prominently show the text “This app is not endorsed or in any way connected with BullionVault”.

If you develop an automated trading system then:-

  • Limit the orders to buy or sell gold and platinum placed by your bot to prices which are multiples of 10 USD, 10 GBP, 10 EUR or 1000 JPY per kg (depending on which currency you are trading in).

In all cases:-

BullionVault reserves the right to charge or suspend clients who:-

  • are using excessive system resources
  • or who engage in trading practices which are unfair to other BullionVault users.

BullionVault reserves the right to change these terms at a future date.