Gold News

Adrian Ash

Adrian Ash, BullionVault Gold News

Adrian Ash is director of research at BullionVault, the world-leading physical gold, silver, platinum and palladium market for private investors online. Formerly head of editorial at London's top publisher of private-investment advice, he was City correspondent for The Daily Reckoning from 2003 to 2008, and he has now been researching and writing daily analysis of precious metals and the wider financial markets for over 20 years. A frequent guest on BBC radio and television, Adrian is regularly quoted by the Financial Times, MarketWatch and many other respected news outlets, and his views from inside the bullion market have been sought by the Economist magazine, CNBC, Bloomberg, Germany's Handelsblatt and FAZ, plus Italy's Il Sole 24 Ore.

See the full archive of Adrian Ash articles on GoldNews.

02 Feb '21 Record Day Crowns Record New Year Rush in Gold and Silver Investing Adrian Ash
21 Jan '21 2 Ways Bitcoin Is Just Like Gold Adrian Ash
23 Dec '20 Why Does Gold Always Go Up in January? Adrian Ash
03 Nov '20 Gold Investment: Barometer of Stress Shrugs at US Election 2020 Adrian Ash
28 Oct '20 Money, Politics and Turkey's Gold Repatriation from London Adrian Ash
27 Oct '20 Turkey Pulls 90% of Gold from London Adrian Ash
26 Oct '20 Pet Rock Investing, Or Gold vs Stocks Once More, With Feeling Adrian Ash
29 Sep '20 The Devil's Metal? 5 Key Points for Investing in Silver Adrian Ash
11 Sep '20 Gold vs. the Great Wave of Deflation Adrian Ash
01 Sep '20 Record Demand to Invest in Gold, Silver, Platinum Nears Half-Billion Dollars Amid Covid Crisis Adrian Ash
12 Aug '20 Record Gold and Silver Trading at World No.1 on Massive Price Swings Adrian Ash
24 Jul '20 FOMO Spikes Gold and Silver Like 1980, 2011 Record Highs Adrian Ash
30 Apr '20 Gold Price: How High is Too High? Adrian Ash
07 Apr '20 Virus Crisis Sees More Private Investors Buy Gold Online Than Ever Before Adrian Ash
21 Feb '20 Just 6 Weeks to a New Record Gold Price Adrian Ash
14 Feb '20 Gold Supply 'n Demand: 'So What?' Says Price Adrian Ash
04 Feb '20 Gold Investing Drops on 9th in 9 New Year Price Gains Adrian Ash
11 Dec '19 When Is a Banana Like the Stock Market? Adrian Ash
27 Oct '19 LBMA Gold Bar Refiners 'Must Use' ASM Mine Output Adrian Ash
12 Sep '19 The Fix Is In! 100 Years of London's Gold Price Histories Adrian Ash
19 Jul '19 UK Gold Coins, Bullion Bars and the CGT Red Herring Adrian Ash
11 Jul '19 Still Trust London with Gold? 'Yes' Says Poland Adrian Ash
02 Jul '19 Gold Trading Doubles, Sellers Outnumber Buyers 1st Time Since 2010 Adrian Ash
06 May '19 Gordon Brown's Big UK Gold Sales, 20 Years On Adrian Ash
22 Apr '19 Gold Bar Refining Changes 2019: LBMA Good Delivery Adrian Ash
05 Apr '19 'Informal' Gold Mining 'Now 15%' of World Output Adrian Ash
22 Mar '19 Fed Rates Above Inflation: Blink and You'll Miss It Adrian Ash
14 Nov '18 Platinum 2020 'Supply Deficit' on 'Solid' Auto Demand Adrian Ash
11 Nov '18 Venezuela, Nazi Gold and BIS Account No.17 Adrian Ash
06 Nov '18 Gold Bar Refining Margins -80% on Over-Capacity Adrian Ash
17 Oct '18 Brexit Is Revolting, UK Gold Price Edition Adrian Ash
27 Sep '18 What the Barrick-Randgold Merger Means for Gold Adrian Ash
13 Jul '18 FTSE Down? Gold Up 96% of the Time Adrian Ash
04 Jul '18 Stocks Down, Gold Up 98% of the Time Adrian Ash
25 May '18 Gold Investing: Dow Ratio vs. 50 Years' Data Adrian Ash
28 Mar '18 Last Time Gold Did This? 2011 Adrian Ash
21 Mar '18 Trolling for War, Vaulting for Victory Adrian Ash
14 Mar '18 10 Years of 4-Figure Gold Adrian Ash
21 Feb '18 London Gold Trading Up, Physical Flows Down in 2017 Adrian Ash
08 Dec '17 Gold's 1975 Warning on Bitcoin Futures Adrian Ash
15 Nov '17 Tulips, Railways and Why We Don't Take Bitcoin Adrian Ash
27 Oct '17 Bitcoin Isn't Gold. It's Silver Adrian Ash
14 Jul '17 Private Gold Investing Jumps to the Moon Adrian Ash
31 May '17 Platinum: Today's Top Contrarian Investment? Adrian Ash
10 Apr '17 Platinum Price Below Gold for Longest Since 19th Century Adrian Ash
06 Apr '17 Turkey Targets 'Under the Pillow' Gold Again Adrian Ash
24 Mar '17 Fake Gold on the Autobahn Adrian Ash
12 Jan '17 Expect the Expected in 2017. For the Rest, Buy Gold Adrian Ash
15 Dec '16 Asia's Gold Investing Support Goes AWOL: China Adrian Ash
06 Dec '16 Gold Investing Hits 5-Year High on 2017 Risks Adrian Ash

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