Gold News

Why Gold?

The advantages of Buying Gold as the world's greatest-ever debt bubble explodes...

THIS WEEK Barron's magazine interviewed a couple of sages of finance, writes the ever-sage Bill Bonner of The Daily Reckoning.

   "In a total disaster," said Peter Bernstein, "where there is a run on paper currency, you'll get your biggest bang for your buck in Gold...if everything hits the fan, gold should be worth several thousands dollars an ounce."

Yesterday, at least some investors must have seen a total disaster headed their way. They started to Buy Gold.

But let us return to the big picture. For the last 13 years, the US money supply has been increasing at about twice the rate of GDP growth. This is known, to monetary sticklers, as "inflation". But the "inflation" that most people think of is the kind you see at the gas pump and supermarket checkout counter. Nobody squawks when the sticklers' inflation raises house and stock prices.

Nobody fails to squawk when it raise consumer prices, however.

The monetary inflation of the last 13 years caused only modest consumer price inflation – for many reasons simply put. To wit, China was making things cheaper. Wal-Mart was selling them cheaper. And the dollars spent by consumers in America tended to end up in the pockets of investors in Asia and Arabie, not in the United States' domestic money supply.

But all good things must come to an end...especially things which are too good to be true. And now, the great bubble in credit has been popped – and everyone's squawking.

The financial industry is in decline – and will probably not recover in our lifetimes. Inflation has given way to deflation. Just look at what happened to Lehman Bros. Hardly more than a year ago, investors held it as an asset worth $45 billion. Now they have nothing.

What happened to that $45 billion? It disappeared.

   In California, the average house has lost about $120,000 (we are just guessing, but probably not far off) in market value. What happened to that $120,000? It disappeared.

   The Chinese stock market has disappeared half of investors' money. The oil market has disappeared nearly a third of producers' fondest hopes for future revenues. Jobs have disappeared. Sales are disappearing. Growth rates are disappearing. Bonuses have disappeared. And it is happening all over the world.

   Thanks to a globalized economy, the entire globe gets to suffer a slump. But what's really new? This is what always happens when boom turns to bust. Asset values disappear. And with them, the money supply itself contracts. People spend less freely. They lend less recklessly. More money stays tucked away for longer periods in pockets and bank accounts. Prices fall. Many assets turn out to be worthless and many people go broke.
Investors Buy Gold to protect themselves.

   Gold never overstates its earnings, understates its liabilities or declares bankruptcy. When everything else goes to hell, gold is still there...still doing its job.

   Of course, the feds try to prevent nature from taking her course. They counter a natural correction with further unnatural deception. They lend at lower rates than those set by willing buyers and sellers. They spend even more recklessly than usual – often going to war in order to stir up financial activity.

   The Federal Reserve already lends to Wall Street at less than half the rate of consumer price inflation. The betting on Wall Street this week was that it would lower its key interest rates again – so that it could lend to Wall Street at even better rates.

   Of course, when there is a serious correction, the financial authorities also make a great show of repairing the damage, supposedly caused by greed and the lack of regulation. Typically, there are a few show trials...a few rich people are ruined and run out of town...and new programs and regulations are put in place which tend to delay recovery and make the next bust-up even worse.

   But among one of the feds' tricks, one is particularly dangerous: they can print money.  Yes, when the going gets rough, the feds turn on the printing press.

   That's when owning gold really pays off.

New York Times best-selling finance author Bill Bonner founded The Agora, a worldwide community for private researchers and publishers, in 1979. Financial analysts within the group exposed and predicted some of the world's biggest shifts since, starting with the fall of the Soviet Union back in the late 1980s, to the collapse of the Dot Com (2000) and then mortgage finance (2008) bubbles, and the election of President Trump (2016). Sharing his personal thoughts and opinions each day from 1999 in the globally successful Daily Reckoning and then his Diary of a Rogue Economist, Bonner now makes his views and ideas available alongside analysis from a small hand-picked team of specialists through Bonner Private Research.

See full archive of Bill Bonner articles

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