LONDON, 14 June 2012 - Gold holdings at BullionVault - the physical gold and silver market for private investors online - have surpassed the 30-tonne mark for the first time, reports professional financial advisors' news and views site, Wealth Advisor.
"At present prices, private investors using the world-leading site now own physical gold bullion worth more than £1 billion," it says.
"Stored in secure, specialist vaults in the user's choice of London, New York and Zurich, Switzerland, that 30-tonne hoard [is] equal to the gold reserves of Canada, Hong Kong, Ireland, Luxembourg, Mauritius and Qatar combined."
Globally, over 39,600 private investors have now used BullionVault to buy physical gold and silver, Wealth Advisor goes on, "a rise of 50% from June 2011."
Just over half of those users live in the UK, the website's report explains. "The typical user owns around £10,000-worth of bullion."
You can read the full report at Wealth Advisor for free...
Gold bullion - Buy online at live gold prices.