In the Press
Media coverage of BullionVault

Retirement Savings Review: Gold Demand Rising

LONDON, 13 June 2022 – Data and comment from BullionVault today features in the latest investing update from German personal finance magazine Altersvorsorge Beu Gedacht (Retirement Savings Review).

"According to figures from BullionVault," says the report, noting the "gloomy" economic and stock-market outlook, "private investment demand for gold is picking up...[reaching] higher than it had been in 12 months" and led by German gold demand yet again.

You can read the full report (in German) at Altersvorsorge Beu Gedacht here:

Rezessionsfurcht: Trübe Stimmung an den Börsen - Goldnachfrage steigt

Altersvorsorge Beu Gedacht