In the Press
Media coverage of BullionVault

Mirror: Best Way to Buy Gold

LONDON, 26 March 2018 – BullionVault is named first today among the "main players" in cheap, secure, online bullion dealing for UK savers by British tabloid The Mirror.

The UK's third best-selling newspaper, The Mirror details 3 routes to gold investing in its online report: coins and small bars in your possession, gold-tracking funds on the stock market, and online bullion providers.

"Online dealers are a far cheaper way to buy gold" than coins or small bars, says The Mirror, explaining how with companies led by BullionVault "your gold is held in secure vaults, and can be easily bought and sold in whatever quantity you fancy."

Read the Mirror's full report here:

How to invest in gold – the cheapest way to buy, sell and hold gold
