In the Press
Media coverage of BullionVault

London Loves Business: Paul Tustain on Turning Over £500m with Only 35 Staff

LONDON, 9 July 2013 – BullionVault founder and director Paul Tustain today explains why and how he launched the world's largest physical gold provider online in a detailed interview with business website , London Loves Business.

Looking at the past and then the future for BullionVault, "We could grow in terms of turnover 10-fold with only doubling the staff count," says Paul.

"We go home at the weekends and everything's still running except money-in-money-out [because the banking system is closed].

"The gold is still trading at weekends and overnight, it's all done automatically by software. The only real cost is operational – and knowing your client, but that's a one-off effort."

You can read Paul's full interview here:

Paul Tustain on Turning Over £500m with Only 35 Staff

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London Loves Business